Sunday, August 20, 2006

Welcome to Trius Travels

Greetings fellow readers,

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Justin Ong. As of 2006, I am a 22 year-old 4th year Mechatronics Engineering student from Monash University. I do not have the best of personalities, but given that I would be telling my tales over the internet, I see no reason why I would bore you with such details.

This blog will be dedicated to the travels that I have experienced over the past 21 years of my life. So this is how the story goes...

Now, Trius was born into a middle-class family some 22 years ago as the youngest child of 2 in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But unlike other middle-class families, he had an advantage. He could fly. You see, his mother was a diligent clerk in the accounts department in Hilton hotel, KL which granted them special rates in any international hotel. His father, a legendary employee in British Airways.

And such a perfect match, they could travel around the world with only the financial burden of provisions, entertainment and souvenirs.

But there was a catch, being the 'son of', his privilages had a limit. Like his brother, he could only travel in the same manner only for the first 24 years of his life. And that is why, 22 years later he wishes to tell his tales of travels past, and catalogue his future travels of the future.

So this is how the blog goes. There will be two kinds of entries, Retro and Recent.

Retro tells of travels that he had in the past from day one of his traveling life.
Recent would tell of his travels from the recent back from 2006.

Later in the year I will gather suggestions to given by everyone, and that will help in planning Trius' final 2 years of Travels.

so till then.....Dont miss the next entry on Trius Travels!
