Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mexico & Havana City, November 2007 -Part 2 Ciudad La Habana

MX321 Flight to Havana Cuba or as they say on the Destination Board, 'La Habana'.

INFO #1: According to the Mexican Embassy in Malaysia, Malaysians do not require a visa permit to Cuba. However, they will make you buy one on the way into the aircraft. So be prepared. Keep that and the boarding pass. You won't need the visa so keep it unless of course they ask for it. With your boarding pass and visa permit, you can bring it up to the embassy when you return to get it reimbursed...hopefully. AS with handling the Mexican embassy's secretary, she is a strict person so be sure to bring everything (passports, itinerary, fictious air tickets if you don't have any in hand and most importantly; youself in person. She will insist you see her even if you are in Kelantan).

Sigh....what a nice feeling to be in Cuba. Clean air, Kota Bharu airport, Melaka streets.

INFO #2: Cubans are a very closely knitted comunity. You can tell by the way they dance in the clubs, with practically everyone in one song. There are customs especially while driving. Give passing cars of ppl you know and courteous drivers the following sign language; The I Love You such... And The thumbs Up

Whenever theres a hot chick walking down the street (mostly ladies in Red), it is polite to Honk and check out the chick (vacilala).

We got a room at th 'Hotel Deauville' facing Old Havana City, the Lighthouse castle and the Sea. Room 1403 had a spacious floorspace and was on the top floor. Something compared to what you'd get in Sheraton with the same amount of money.

After a night of rest, 5am was tossing and turning session. After awhile we gave up sleeping and decided to make breakfast. Second breakfast was at 630.

We went for a city tour. Saw the popular places of Havana, both new and old Cities, Citidel, Cuban Rum factory which also sells cigars, Havana Castle, and a walking tour along the Cuban streets. Most of which I have made into a video that has all the three days.

That evening we had a stroll along the streets to see what we could find. Unfortunately, 'Casa De La Musica' was setup for a Jazz performance training, so no salsa there. But there was this place called the 'Calleson de Jamel' that was suppose to be the place to learn the local dancers.

Looks familiar you Cyber-cafe peeps!?
Anyway we went to 'Habana Cafe' thinking it was a club. But we saw more than that. There were 2 performances. one of which consisted of 4 musicians singing and making instrumental sounds with their mouth and hands.

The other was a full blown performance of sexy Cuban ladies and muscular men dancing on stage showcasing the various Caribbean and African mix dances. There was a session for dancing after that. But they were too good, I couldn't enter the circle.

So I went to a lower level club called the 70's Cafe at the lower lobby of our hotel and danced there instead. They were more humble and let me dance with them though it was more of the samba type of music by the time I got there.

Next day, we took a tour that led us to a forest reserve hours away from the City. There, we were shown a park that was reforested by the government and is listed by UNESCO. Completely healed with a man made lake as well. Such a beauty.

We were also brought to see a house that was owned by a French family who used the area to produce coffee. Complete with a coffee area, a house and slave quarters. A stream where people can soak or swim was next on the agenda. It was a beautiful sight of greenery and well all things nature.

Lunch was fantastic.

Apart from learning the political and sociological stands of Cuba to the world, from Amielo our guide, We made some new friends 3 from California(Shoshana, Ken and Aura) and 1 from France (Daniel Brun).

We were recommended to see this play called 'Cecilla Valdez' which was confusing at first. But thanks to Aura, the Spanish musical made sense.

And so it was time to adjourn the trip back to Mexico city. Stay tuned for PArt 3: Return to Mexico!

P.S Enjoy the Video-slide!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Mexico & Havana City, November 2007 -Part 1 Ciudad Mexico!

28th October 2007

Alas its finally here! 28th October 2007. Bags packed, counted and verified. Persons present and crosschecked. Early rise and a good start for a good 2 week journey!

So here's the final itinerary...

28 October morning we head down south from Bangsar, KL by coach to Singapore. Take the 2320 hours BA016 flight to London, Heathrow. Go on to the next flight to Los Angeles and finally a Mexicana flight to Mexico City. 3 days here before heading to Havana Cuba for another 3 nights. Come back for another 3 nights. And then its a Mexico-LHR-Singapore solo stretch before finishing back in Malaysia.

So its going to be 1/2 traveling, 1/4 sleeping, and 1/4 actual sightseeing and holidaying. But it matters not, as long as I've got my trusty Camera to document each and every....


*GASP!!* Did i not put my glasses on? Nuuuuuuuu! My trusty Sony camera of 4 years destroyed!!...Oh the humanity! Luckily, Dad brought his 2.1 Megapixel canon and mom brought her film Based Canon (aka Old Faithful).

The Journey was smooth until Los Angeles. Touching down. I was subjected to NSEERS (National Security Entrance Exit Registration). Of which I missed my flight.

Q: What is the average waiting time to clear Secondary Registration (NSEERS) for Entering America?

A: 2 Hours

In my case 3 hours. What was worse was that we were aiming for a standby flight on a Mexicana Flight to Mexico City. We missed it by half an hour. Most of which involved running around the terminal looking for the ticketing counter.

Anyways we took the next flight in (2.05 am) to Mexico City. Arriving afternoon, we took a Sitio Taxi to our hotel in Downtown Mexico, The San Fransisco Hotel. After a long and tiring journey, I dozed off till about 8pm local time. Where we decided to go for a walk.

We heard that there was a place where we could go dance salsa in Sona Rosa (Pink Zone). We had to take the Metro (the train) to Insurgentes which was where the Zone was.

INFO #1: Mexico has the largest Metro system in the Latin Americas( about 120kms). 11 lines and 175 stations. For only 2 pesos, you can travel anywhere around the city no matter the line.

The place was a lot like Puduraya in KL. Too bad no Salsa Havana to be found around the vicinity. Though there was a pub that was playing the Spanish version of 'Monologues of the Vagina'. We returned an hour before the Metro was scheduled to be closed. But not before salvaging like LOADS OF SALSA/MEXICAN MUSIC CDS!!

INFO #2: Taxis that are safe to use are the ones with license plates beginning with 'S' for Sitio or place. Anything else would be dangerous even those with the Letters 'L' for Libre or freedom; these usually come in green and white old Volkswagen Beetles.

31st October 2007

3rd most visited religious center the World the Shrine of Lady Guadalupe. Or so the AMEX brochure says about the Basilica. Archaeological site of Teotihuacan (City of Gods) with the pyramids of the Sun and Moon.

Tourbus picked us up at 930 to the headquarters. There we were assigned to our buses.

TIP #1: If you try booking a tour minutes before it starts. Theres a High probability that you may get a private tour for the price of a group tour. Also a High probability there may not be anymore space and they will reject your booking.

Known as the 'Plaza de Las Tres Culturas' Tlatelolco is surrounded on three sides, Aztec pyramid, 17th century church 'Templo de Santiago' and office complex of the Mexican foreign ministry. Its said to be one of the bloodiest places throughout mexico history.

In 1521, The Aztecs led by Cuauhtemoc made their last stand here against the conquistadors. Over 40,000 Aztecs died here.

It was also the place where 300 students were massacred to hide Mexico's social woes from the world in conjunction with the 1968 Summer Olympic games.

So much story so few photos. Our stop was only for a couple of minutes. Then it was off to see the Basilica.

Legend has it that Juan Diego, was walking along the place when the virgin Mary came onto him and commanded him to build a Church. The Pope at that time did not believe him and Juan Diego went back to ask Virgin Mary for proof. Mary asked him to collect some roses and present it to the Pope. It was winter, the rose was foreign and the poncho that Juan Diego carried the roses with was imprinted with the image of the Virgin Mary Mexicans know as the Lady Guadalupe. Hence the construction of the Church was ordered.

Moving deeper into the past, Teotihuacan or 'Birthplace of the Gods' abandoned by their mysterious owners, found by the Aztecs. This was the place where the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon resides.

But before heading to the site, we were taken to an Obsidian shop where we were shown the various orders of Obsidian and the multiple uses of the Maguey plant; sort of Aloe Vera's cousin of the Agave family.

TIP #2: If you have low tolerance with alcohol, don't drink 3 kinds of liquor shots (pulkea, tequila and mescal) before the pyramid even if the Mexicans say it has very little alcohol in it. Climbing 65 stories of steep rocky pyramid is no joke while tipsy is no joke!

These are a few shots of the pyramids and your chance to play "Where's Juzzy!"

Fun with the Umbrella!
Altar to the Moon God!
Honey-Moon hahahaa
Some Mexican Gals... not bad...
Mariachi and a she-Mariachi(?)

In the evening, we met up with Laura and her Husband who are very dear friends of my good friend Shiva, Lord of Bachata (and from what I heard the new 'Sex Machine').

They brought us to this restaurant 'El Bajio' and showed us a good time and good local food.

Heres the Lovely Couple!

INFO #3: Shiva ate 15 tacos in one serving!

Thank you so much for the Hospitality and the drive around the City District to show the Day of the Dead Celebrations was fantastic.

INFO #4: Day of the Dead in Mexico represents a mixture of Christian devotion and Pre-Hispanic traditions and beliefs. As a result of this mixture, the celebration comes to life as an unique Mexican tradition including an altar and offerings dedicated to the deceased. For more info on Day of the Dead click here!

NEXT!! Part 2 Three days in La Habana!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mexico/Cuba Trailer! Blog Entry 12 November 2007

Ola! Greetings everybody. My name is Justin Ong but you can call me Trius. Its been awhile since I last traveled (last was 7 months ago the Penang/UK/US Trip 2007). And after 6 months of working in TCMA, its finally time to unravel my dusty wings and travel once more.

This time, Trius is going to Mexico and Cuba. This trip will start on the 28th Morning, with a bus ride down to Singapore. Then An evening flight from SIngapore's CHangi Airport to London Heathrow. There will be South West bound flight to Mexico City. 3 days in, we will fly to Havana City for 3 nights, then back to Mexico. ANd finally, the 3 day journey back to Singapore 1855pm.

I will constantly write up my program as it follows, ppl we meet see and do. So...Tune in for an exciting blog entry on the 12 of November 2007! ;-)

Friday, March 02, 2007

Posing with the Stars - Madame Tussauds

Arriving Heathrow at 11am I decided to head downtown to spend my time while waiting for my flight that was to fly at 9pm.

At first I thought of heading to the museums, but then I realize that it would be just sticks and stones (or bones). Then it hit me, bonbonKat was talking about this new attraction at Madame Tussauds. So it was on to Baker Street, London!!

There I went for to spend about an hour in the Wax kewl... Here are some of the fun pics I took..


Captian Jean Luc- Picard...Live Long and Prosper!!

Me and Julia Roberts

Me and Posh...doesn't remind you of another picture in the blog... ;)

Bald Britney..

OOoo La la...cheeky me..

Dream Girl Beyon...

The Roti boy..

Encik Sparrow...

And his hot chick..
The Incredible hulk choking me!

I'll Be BACK!!! Or should I put him under politicians

Clark Kent to Superman....JuzzyT and Christopher Reeves


Encik Newkiller Weapons..

Washing Mr. Kennedy...

Virgin Queen Elizabeth

And her Genius Playwright she calls 'Willy'

And her and step moms..
Saddam Hussien

Next I went around the corner to 221b Baker Street..Thats Right ...Elementary my Dear Watson..

See thats him in bronze...

And thats him in real life.....haha joking....i should grayscale this pic..and see what happens..

Here's the hero!!
Futile attempt to hold a puffer
Got stopped by the fashion police as well..
After a fantastic time looking at wax criminal figures and records and other stuff of Dr. Watson and Mrs Hudson's, I headed back via Bakerloo and Piccadilly to Terminal 4. Returned my Oyster card for a refund and headed into the terminal where I waited for BA011 back to Changi Singapore.

Unfortunately, this marks the end of my February 2007 travels but a fitting end for such a fantastic adventure....


I'd Like to thank

Penang Trip: Bren for being such a fantastic tour guide and more...
Kon: for being my driver and the DVD pillager...
Emerald of Mingood: for making me breakfast at lunch time.

England Trip: Rowan, Sze Yuin and housemates, Pika and Kelvin for your utmost hospitality and time even when you were in your semester..Ikhwan for trying so hard to meet up, let me know when you return we go makan. Ahmad pleasure meeting you.

US Trip: Marcus and Chris for accommodating me in every way possible. Uncle Dom for the fantastic food and recipes. Adam and Evan for your pics and chicks. The girl who made me a dare victim while browsing at Brookstone in Briarwood Mall.

British Airways for giving me good seats, Club World and First. Uncle Chris special thanks to you.

And thank you readers for...well...enjoying yourselves...

